Headache/ Migraine Treatment

Headache/ Migraine Treatment


Best Migraine Treatment in Navi Mumbai

What is a migraine

Migraine are severe, debilitating headaches caused by neurological conditions. Patients' quality of life is significantly affected by it. In most cases, it occurs in phases and lasts for a few hours to a few days. Symptoms include throbbing headaches, light sensitivity, and vomiting. Symptoms vary in severity, frequency, and duration. Different patients have different migraine triggers. It is most common among people between 18 and 44 years of age. Children can, however, develop it at any age.

What are the stages of Migraine Attack

There are four possible phases to a migraine attack. However, not everyone goes through each one. The stages consist of:

The Prodrome Phase: The pre-headache phase is characterized by painless sensations that start several hours or days before the migraine manifests.

Aura Phase: Before or during a migraine, there may be sensory abnormalities known as auras. Auras include symptoms such as hazy vision, blind patches that progressively get bigger, limb numbness, and slurred or garbled speech.

Headache Phase: The pain generally begins here and can be anything from slight to incapacitating. Pain may worsen with physical exercise and exposure to light, sound, and scents.

Postdrome Phase: This stage occurs after the discomfort has passed. People may experience fatigue and confusion during this phase.

What are the symptoms of migraine?

The Symptms are :

The blood in the brain and its surrounding tissues is impacted by variations in brain activity, leading to various symptoms. Migraine sufferers may have some or all of the following symptoms in addition to severe head pain:


Heightened Sensitivity To Sound, Light, Or Scent


Extreme Tiredness

If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away

There is an abrupt onset of severe headaches

The headaches are more severe or different from your regular headache pattern

Your neck is stiff or you have a fever